
Understanding Tap

Tap dance is taught as a structured discipline focusing on rhythm, technique, and choreography. Students learn to create percussive sounds using metal plates (taps) attached to the shoes, emphasizing precision and musicality. Classes typically start with warm-ups to improve flexibility and coordination, followed by exercises to develop footwork and rhythmic patterns. Students progress through different levels, mastering basic steps like shuffles and flaps before advancing to more complex combinations and routines. Tap dance in studios often incorporates elements of improvisation, creativity, and musical interpretation, fostering both technical proficiency and artistic expression among dancers.

Why Choose Tap

Tap dance is a delightful and engaging activity for kids, filled with rhythm and excitement. The sound of their shoes creating lively beats makes every lesson feels like a celebration. Kids can express themselves through creative choreography, allowing them to showcase their unique styles. The fast-paced movements enhance coordination and balance while providing a great workout.

Additionally, tap dance encourages social interaction, as children often perform together, building friendships and teamwork skills. With its upbeat music and joyful energy, tap dance transforms learning into fun, making it a favorite choice for kids who love to move and groove!

Dress Code

  • Dancers are asked to wear form fitting dance clothing that shows off the dancers knees and allows for movement

  • Please no street clothing

  • Female dancers are required to have tan jazz shoes

  • Male dancers are required to have black jazz shoes


You can register for our Tap recreational class through the Parent Portal.

Just create a free account and sign up online to secure your spot.

Tap Certification

We are an ADAPT Tap and Jazz certified studio, our instructors have extensive training in ADAPT techniques and Miss Taylor has her Gold Seal Certification in her ADAPT T.T.S syllabus.

ADAPT stands for Associated Dance Arts for Professional Teachers, offering certified syllabi in Tap, Jazz, and Ballet with yearly exams. It's embraced by over 175 studios worldwide, promoting high-quality dance education from recreational to elite levels, supported by Teacher's Training School (T.T.S.). ADAPT fosters excellence in dance instruction, enhancing teaching skills and standards globally.




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